We are offering a new option: the online mini-module!
Since March 2020, the world of online teaching has taken a big step. We have talked to many conductors and teachers about our online activities, and we would like go for a situation where we combine online teaching with teaching on the floor. Therefore we will also give you the chance to be a Vocal Leadership student from your own home!
The online mini-module runs in Fall 2021, combined with the weekends that are already announced:
Intense Studyweekends Fall 2021 semester
- Weekend 1 – Friday October 8 (4pm) till Sunday October 10
- Weekend 2 – Friday November 5 (4pm) till Sunday November 7
- Weekend 3 – Friday December 10 (4pm) till Sunday December 12
When you are a student in our mini-module, you will get all of your classes online. Some classes will be combined with your fellow students who are on the floor, where you will get a chance sing along, completely COVID-proof from your own home!
Choir Leading: for all classes (4 different teachers) you’ll call in via Zoom. We will welcome you into our Codarts classroom where your fellow students are singing live on the floor during the tuition weekends.
Move & Groove: for all classes (3 different teachers) you’ll call in via Zoom. We will welcome you into our Codarts classroom where your fellow students are singing live on the floor during the tuition weekends.
Eartraining: online group class(es)
Piano: 1 individual online class
Voice: 1 individual online class
Regular: €345,-
Students: €225,-
We will use ZOOM for these classes. Please make sure that you have access to a laptop or desktop with ZOOM, headphones, a (build-in) camera and preferably a good microphone.
Sign up here! Questions? Contact us! We’ll talk about a solution. 😉
Check dates, deadlines and costs here.